Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Six months is no excuse...

But it happened anyway. Let's see, here's the short version of all that has gone on:
1. Jake started crawling
2. Summer vacations (up north to Cheboygan and Traverse City)
3. A few trips to the Toledo Zoo
4. crawling fast like a super hero
5. Oh yeah, mommy is having another baby...it's a boy!!
6. Jake turned 1 and celebrated with lots of good friends
7. School is so much fun!
8. Halloween means costumes and candy? Who knew??!!
9. Getting brave about taking steps
10. The new baby is almost here....there's now a second crib in my room and I know a baby goes in there, I just don't quite understand what that means to my life....yet.

So there's the short version. BBK#2 is estimated to arrive 12/28/09 but at the next doctor's appointment we'll be discussing his current size (surprise, surprise - he's a big boy) and whether that means we'll be trying to schedule a c-section ahead of going into labor or not.

Hope you're well and I promise I'll post some pictures of the summer and fall (including his 1-year pics) as soon as possible. What a whirlwind this year has been!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I know it's been a while....

Jake is growing by leaps and bounds. I have been sick and tired of looking at the computer since tax season ended, but I think I'm finally ready to get back to updating this thing :)

Jake is rolling both from tummy to back and back to tummy and all the way around whenever he can. He's starting to get up on his knees and rock back and forth which means crawling is just around the corner. He got his first tooth and it's finally peeking through the lower gum. The one right next to it is on the way as well. Time to break out the toothbrush and baby paste!!

We took him swimming the night before Chris' graduation and he LOVED it...no surprise to me really, I mean Chris is part fish or something. He got a swing and treats from the Easter Bunny and grandma Bunny got him a whole swingset....hopefully someday soon Chris can get someone to come over and help him get it put together so Jake can enjoy the swing.

We visited my parents last weekend for Derby. It was very tame this year compared to previous years but it was nice to go down nonetheless.

Here are a couple of pictures to enjoy until I get another change (sooner rather than later) to get more (and recent) pics updated.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

6 month update

Well, I know it's been some time, but I finally made myself sit down and write Jake's happenings for the 6 month mark. He's doing well and growing so fast it's almost unbelievable :)

At his appointment he weighed in at 20 lbs 8 oz. He only measured at 26.5 inches, which is half an inch longer than his 4 month appointment, but the doc assured me the length measurements are difficult, especially with how wiggly Jake is since he's always trying to sit up or roll over or just scooch around.

Jake is now eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with bottles in between. He's a big fan of most everything he's eaten to this point and we're happy to have a good eater on our hands!!

I took Jake to Portrait Innovations in Brighton today for some professional shots....enjoy the few I've posted here. This place was great! They include a CD of all his poses with your order so I have every shot at my disposal.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The quick update and some pics

Ok, so it's been way too long. Thanks to all those who chastized me into updating finally. I wanted to take some new pictures so I could post the latest and greatest and the days just aren't long enough with everything going on.

We have made our first visit to Louisville to see my parents. They were so happy to have us and the trip went very well. We only stopped once (well twice on the way home cause I didn't have a nipple for the bottle in the bag, it was in the trunk so it had to be retrieved) so it was a success indeed.

Jake has rolled from tummy to back and is working diligently on back to tummy....I think he'll get it any day now. He's drooling up a storm (as evidenced by the rosey - chapped - cheeks) so I think he's starting the teething process. I'm happy that I'm pumping and not nursing anymore so I don't have to risk getting bit. I know moms who have smacked the baby as a first instinct then felt terrible afterward and I won't have to ever feel that, which is kind of a relief.

Chris has separated himself (what a nice way to put it) from his job at Habitat for Humanity and is now concentrating on his heavy school schedule for the semester and helping/visiting his mom who is scheduled to have surgery later this week. Keep us in your thoughts that all goes well for her!!

My busy season is over and we're just helping support these days. It's a nice time of the job cause I'm very comfortable with support having done that as my job for over 5 years, so it's nice to wake up and know exactly what I'm going to do most days.

I have no idea how much he weighs or how long he is at this point. He's about out of the last (biggest) size 3-6 month clothes and wearing mostly size 6 months from Carter's. The 6-9 month clothes will probably come out this weekend though they seem HUGE!! I know he's a big dude but he holds his weight well and is compact and dense which has kept him pretty true to size ranges, which is nice (makes clothes buying sooooo much easier).

Enjoy the little man....he loves his toes and isn't afraid to show it. And that smile.....oh my!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

My bad...4 months, Hello 2009 and MMM....foood....

Well, it's been a busy few weeks, that's for sure. We celebrated Christmas with my parents over the New Year's weekend and Jake was so happy to see them!! We went to the Schaffer's for New Year's Eve and Jake woke up just in time to see the ball drop in Times Square. We celebrated with good friends which is always my favorite way to ring in a new year! Jake had his 4 month checkup and he took the shots like a pro. He weighed in at (hold onto your shorts) 17 lbs 5 oz and measured 26 inches tall! Yes, yes....he's a big boy, that's for sure. We don't have to worry about our little chunker not getting enough meals in, that's for sure. We got the go-ahead to start feeding him cereal. We started with rice and he's not the biggest of fans but I think he likes a little something different. Last night I was so disappointed with his dislike of the cereal that I tried peas. Boy was that a change!! Jake loved the peas and ate almost half the jar. He didn't even mind when I mixed some cereal in. I think he just wanted some taste finally. It's funny that he ate peas on my mom's birthday because she hates peas...it's good to know her grandson can celebrate her in such a way...hehehe.

I'm almost done with my busiest season at work so I'll try to keep the posts much more current starting in just a few days...I can't wait for the last product to have it's initial release. That's not to say I won't have updates, but the initial release is always the most stressful and I'm counting down the hours until that is out of my hair.

Mr. man passed mommy and daddy a nasty stomach virus this weekend but luckily it didn't seem to bother him so much. I don't think mommy and daddy have been that sick since we were little kids ourselves, but thank goodness it's over!

Enjoy some updated pics and we send our love to all!