Friday, November 21, 2008

11 weeks old

My goodness! I can't believe how fast he's growing. We moved to size 1/2 this week....honestly I thought all the diapers Melissa gave us were plain old size 2's but they were the in-between size...well at least if I don't get through them all I know Noreen will take them for her soon-to-arrive little one :)

Mr. Jake is all smiles and doing well. We enrolled him in daycare yesterday only to find out the woman who heads up the center (the director) was married to Bunny's cousin (Bunny is Chris' mom) and her daughter and niece work there too, so the little guy will really be with family which is so much what I wanted....I honestly believe a relative was watching from above and helped me to make this decision as it was the only place I really ever felt warm and comfortable...funny how that works isn't it?

Remember how he used to look so small in his swing? Now I'm dreading the day he grows out of it (cause it's coming sooner rather than later)...what ever will I do for relaxing time cause he loves it so much!!??!! I'm hoping maybe he likes the johnny-jumper just as much in a different way. Anyway, look how big he's getting!!

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