Thursday, August 7, 2008

34 weeks, 3 days and going strong

Well, today's appointment went well. I saw Dr. Jones in the practice and there's just one more doc to meet....we'll see if I can get that far, right? Today's results were weight gain of 1lb which puts my total weight gain at 6.5lbs for the whole pregnancy, awesome eh? She did the group B strep test and figured while she was in the vacinity she would check to see if I had progressed any further from my last appointment - nope. Standing still at 90% effaced and 1cm dilated. His heartbeat was steady and normal and my blood pressure was totally in check. All in all, a positive check-up. Also turns out the doc is using 9/12 as the due date instead of 9/15. I think 9/15 probably came from the reproductive endocrinologist I had been seeing and I had kind of forgotten they didn't really agree at the very beginning. I'm still going to use 9/15 as the due date for my purposes but in consulting with Dr. Angie she said I should be sure to use 9/12 at the hospital since the records from my doc are what they'll be referring to and I don't want to cause any confusion. Due dates are so subjective anyway, right?

I peeked my head in and my doc was there so I stopped to see her and she returned with a high five and rubbed my belly to say he really is a miracle baby. She's just so happy things have turned out this way and she can put the worries of the past few months aside. Me too.

Then I talked to Dr. Angie cause I like to keep her updated and she said she's so happy I have been be this lucky cause so many people get into this situation and don't last this long and have to deal with months of observation and things if they even make it that far. I know we're blessed and every day I thank goodness he's coming along :)


trombonechick said...

You ROCK.... keep up the positive attitude, I wish my pregnancy had been as model as yours....

Take care of yourself, need some pictures of the haircut :) Super cool nursery ARRRR

Take care

Carrie said...

Ya-hooooooo!! You are rockin! Plus, 9/12 is a better day than 9/15 because it's A's first bday!

You've been tagged to tell us 6 random things about yourself! See my oikology blog for details!